16th Annual White Elephant Run 5.0 Mile
Saturday, December 20th, 2025
Race Description: Course will start in Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls and follow the path to Tumwater Historical Park, under the freeway along the trail, right on Deschutes Parkway, around Capitol Lake and stay on 4th avenue, right on Water Street, right on Columbia, through the State Capitol campus to Water Street again until it rounds the corner and turns into 21st, right on Columbia again, around the corner and over a small triangular grass median to take a right on Capitol Way and finish in front of South Sound Running. After the start of the race it will mostly be an open course not blocked off to traffic, so stay on the sidewalks when possible.
Awards: Each person who would like to select a gift after the race should bring a wrapped present with a value of about $5. If you cross the finish line first, you get 1st pick of the presents. There will be several more valuable gifts interspersed randomly including shoes donated by South Sound Running. There will be some manner of special awards for the first three overall male and female finishers and masters winners. These will be presented along with some raffle prizes at 10:00 AM, so if you finish early you can go on a cool-down run and plan to be back at 10:00 AM sharp.
The Andy and Jody Fritz awards will be given to the first 50+ male and female finishers. In memory of Andy and Jody Fritz, avid runners in our community and (more importantly) wonderful people who died on December 19th, 2017 in a tragic bus accident. Andy ran this race in its initial stages, and this award is in place to remember them, both 51 years old when they passed away, reminding us all to enjoy every moment that we have and to live an intentional life of purpose, as they demonstrated so well.
Parking/bathrooms/mobile clothes pile:
There is ample parking on Custer Way SW by the dysfunctional brewery or
at Brewery Park. The starting line is located about a quarter mile away from the registration/finish area outside of South Sound Running in Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls (formerly Tumwater Falls Park), and there are restrooms there.
There will be a car that will drive from the start to the finish line in which you can shed non-racing apparel (not an official "bag check" but more of a "mobile clothes pile" allowing you to keep some warm clothes on up until right before the start of the race and find these near the finish line).
Time schedule:
8:10 - 8:45 AM -- Pre-registered number and socks pick-up and wrapped present drop-off @ South Sound Running (3409 Capitol Blvd.)
8:00 - 8:40AM -- Day of Race registration @ Olympia South Sound Running
8:50 AM -- Move to starting line in Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls (formerly Tumwater Falls Park, 110 Deschutes Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501) about 1/4 mile away from finish line
9:00 AM -- Start of 5.0 mile race
10:00 AM -- Overall awards @ SSR, post race snacks, raffles, and presents
2025 ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK (no payment until you pick up your number, so please register even if you are not completely committed)
Or mail printed registration form to 1733 North St, Olympia, WA 98501
Bring cash or check to race for payment -- $10 pre-registered, $20 day of race + wrapped present (worth about $5 – see "awards" above)
For larger families there is a maximum $50 charge (5 pairs of socks, but as many immediate family members may run)
please pre-register for all runners (:
Any proceeds will go to support especially youth running/track & field in the Olympia area
Pre-registered : $10 Day of Race : $20
Male / Female
Name: ________________________________
Age: ________
Sock Size: (circle) Small Medium Large Extra Large
Phone: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________
email: _________________________________
Waiver Release: I hereby certify the following: (1) I am medically able and properly trained to participate in the White Elephant Run; (2) I further agree in the event of an injury or accident that event officials may authorize necessary treatment for me and I further authorize the American Medical Response (AMR), Olympia and Tumwater Fire Dept. (OFD) or any other medical treatment provider to furnish to the event organizers my name, telephone number, and if applicable, the name of any hospital or medical facility I was transported to as a result of any injury or medical problem that arose out of this event; (3) I further grant the White Elephant Run specific permission to reproduce, publish, circulate, copyright, or otherwise use an and all photographs and/or videotape of me and/or my family, taken at the event; and (4) I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries that I (or my child) may sustain as a result of my participation in the White Elephant Run. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to participation in the Whilte Elephant Run. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry into this event, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive, release and hold harmless all subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns,representatives and successors of the foregoing: The City of Olympia, its officers, officials and employees, The City of Tumwater, its officers, officials and employees, and all event sponsors, suppliers, agents, independent contractors, employees and any other personnel in any way assisting or connected with the White Elephant Run from any and all claims of liability of any kind whatsoever. Entries cannot be accepted without a valid signature. Entries from minors will only be accepted with a parent or legal guardian’s signature.
Signature _______________________________ Date _______
Mail entry form to:
White Elephant Run
1733 North Street SE
Olympia, WA 98501